Renocell Metal Recovery System
This is an amazing product used to eliminate heavy metal contaminants from effluent or source materials. The Renocell, which is a patented electrolytic plating cell, comprises of stainless steel cathode current feeder, wrapped in a unique carbon fibre cathode.
The Renocell process being a subtractive technology (waste metals are removed without adding chemicals) means that the remaining water is more easily and economically recycled and no large inventories of strong wastes, sludge or chemicals are generated. This is a great advantage in some countries where industrial expansion could be constrained by limited water resources and this technology offers their PCB industry a real step forward.
Developments foreseen for the new millennium include optimization of the electro dialysis. On line regeneration and reactivation can be confidently predicted to reduce concentrate waste volumes from PCB manufacturing by 60-70%.